Practical Information

Studying in Denmark and living in Copenhagen requires international students to get a residence permit, CPR number and to find accommodation. We've gathered an overview of the essential practical information when moving to Copenhagen, Denmark.


Residence Permit


Before arriving in Denmark, all non-EU citizens must apply for a Danish residence permit. Please note that this can be a long process (usually over 3 months), so apply well in advance. Within one week of receipt of your first semester fee, the DMU Programmes Office will send you our institutionally signed ST1 Residence Permit application form, which you will need for your application.
You may find additional information about application requirements and the application process at New to Denmark - the official portal for foreigners.

  • Disclaimer: Student visas may not cover the full period of study in the years where individual DMU programmes are being re-evaluated by EVA. Therefore, students must apply for a visa extension covering the period of study exceeding the current EVA approval.
  • Upcoming EVA Evaluations: MSc. International Business and Management: April 2022.

CPR Number

When you arrive in Denmark you need to get a Danish ID Number (CPR no.) by registering your Danish address (by showing an official rental contract) with the municipality. A CPR no. is necessary to get medical assistance, open a bank account, get a job, sign up for student housing etc.

It may take some time to get a CPR no., we therefore request you to take out travel insurance from your home country covering medical insurance as well as making sure you have access to extra funding in the beginning.


As students of the International programmes at Niels Brock, you will use a variety of IT platforms and have access to campus facilites and printers with your student card.

IT and internet
All students are required to bring their own computer to class. Internet access is provided for all students on campus. There is an IT support centre which can help students with their school related IT issues.

Digital student platforms
Regardless of which programme you follow, you will use digital platforms to access teaching materials, submit assignments, check your results, communicate with tutors, find your timetable and attendance record, and check your school email. It is important that you familarize yourself with these platforms as quickly as possible.

Student cards
You will be issued your own student card which is necessary for:

  • accessing campus buildings
  • your exam ID
  • discounts for (shops, cafés, museums, etc.)
  • printing at school

Please have the card with you when you are on campus.
More detailed information about IT, the internet and student cards will be provided during the induction sessions.

Housing in Copenhagen

We advise you to budget with a minimum of DKK 5.000 per month depending on location and standard.

  • A deposit is required from most landlords and is normally 1 month’s rent for a room and 3 months’rent for an
  • Please be aware of scams and be wary of deals that are "too good to be true".
  • Watch out for landlords/owners who are out of the country, travelling or cannot meet you
  • If possible, check out the room or apartment personally. You can also ask a Niels Brock Buddy whether they can help you check the room. Use the Facebook forum created for your You must at least have someone check that the apartment actually exists.
  • You should never send money via Western Union or other private money transfer Use only authorised banks for transferring money and ask the landlord to send identification details – e.g. a copy of a passport.
  • You should always sign a contract with your Study the contract carefully and be sure tocheck deadlines for how to give notice.


Youth hostels, bed & breakfasts and cheap hotels 

  • Danhostel (approx. 20 Euros per night in a shared room) Address: Various locations – check their website:


  • Generator Hostel

Address: Adelgade 5, 1304 Copenhagen K



  • Wakeup Copenhagen Hostels

Addresses: Borgergade 9, 1300 Copenhagen and Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 11, 1577 Copenhagen



  • Copenhagen Downtown Hostel

Address: Vandkunsten 5, 1467 Copenhagen K Website:


  • Woodah Hostel

Address: Abel Cathrines Gade 1-3, 1654 Copenhagen V


  • Sleep in Heaven

Address: Struenseegade 7, 2200 Copenhagen


Bed & Breakfasts (various)

Address: Various addresses in the vicinity of Copenhagen Website:

·       Airbnb

Address: Private accommodation in various addresses – Check their website

  • Cabinn (from DKK 495 per night)

Address: Various locations – check their website Website:


Contact current students - maybe you can take over their accomodation when they leave. 

Visit our facebook page: Niels Brock International


Other suggestions for where you can search for accommodation:

You may have a look at the accommodation links below. Some sites are in Danish only, so please prepare by using the mini dictionary provided below and getting acquainted with the Copenhagen area.

Websites in English


Websites in Danish

(you may use the mini dictionary provided below)

Write to and mention that you are a Niels Brock student, and you will get 30% off the service fee.

Facebook pages:


Tools for becoming acquainted with the Copenhagen area and navigating the public transport system:

  • Google Maps (Niels Brock, Nørre Voldgade 34, is marked on the map)
  • Rejseplanen (Journey Planner) – For finding public transportation (bus, train, metro) in Denmark/Copenhagen
  • DSB – For finding and booking public transportation (mainly trains) in Denmark/Copenhagen
  • Visit Copenhagen – General information about life in Copenhagen


Additional information: 

The online articles from International House Copenhagen may be useful for further information about student housing an expenses.


Real Estate Mini-dictionary:

Danish word - English word

Amt = county

Annonce = ad

At leje = to rent

Beskrivelse = description

Bolig = accomodation/apartment

Boligkvm/størrelse = squaremeter/size

Boligtype = type of apartment

Bytte = swap

Depositum = deposit (to be paid before moving in)

Dreng / mand = boy / man

Excl. forbrug = not including utilities (gas, electricity, etc. - (usually around DKK 300-800 per month)

Husleje = rent

Incl. forbrug = including utilities (gas, electricity etc.)

Indskud = deposit

Lejer = tenant

Lejlighed = apartment

Møbler = furniture

Møbleret = furnished

Norge = Norway

Område = area

Opret = create

Overskrift =header

Øvrige udland = the rest of the world

Periode = period of renting

Pige /kvinde = girl/woman

Postnr / by = Postal code/ town

Pr/per = from

Sælger = seller 

Søg = search

Soveværelse = bedroom 

Stue = livingroom 

Sverige = Sweden

Til salg = For sale

Tyskland = Germany

Udbetaling = Down payment

Udlejer = landlord

Udlejningsform = Form of renting

Værelse(r) = Room(s)

Vicevært = Janitor

Additional Information

Because we have many international students from different cultural backgrounds, we would like to make you aware that in Denmark there are rules against covering and masking the face in public spaces (§ 134 b: “The one who, in connection with meetings, gatherings, processions, or similar events in public places, has the face completely or partially covered with a hood, mask, face paint, or similar in a manner that prevents identification, shall be punished with a fine or imprisonment of up to 6 months”. Read more on the rule here).

This means that you for example in educational institutions, on the street or on public transport must not cover your face with clothing that prevents others from seeing your face.

It is particularly relevant for our Muslim students from cultures with a tradition of wearing the niqab and burka to be aware of the rules. These items of clothing are against Danish legislation to be worn in public. One might consider wearing a scarf instead, as it allows for facial recognition in the public space.




If you have any questions about getting your residence permit, your CPR number or accommodation, you can contact us at: